Of the 98% Muslim population of the area, only small percentage had deeni education. The Masjids were deserted and only a few people were seen even on Friday prayers. There was a shortage of Imam to lead prayers and at some places only one Imam was leading two Eid prayers on the same day at two different places.
School education was rare and only 10% had sufficient school education. 90% of the population suffers from extreme poverty and there are no hospitals and health centers nearby.In the town of Netrokona, about 40,000 local people are in desperate need of mosque, health and educational facility.
Muin Welfare Trust began with 130 children and 1 teacher from neighboring 3 villages in 2001. Initially the cost was only £20 a month. الحمدلله as of today there are around 1150 boys and girls studying in the Madrasa with staff strength of 58. The present monthly cost is around £5000.
Muin Welfare Trust not only builds and runs the Madrasa but also does other humanitarian and social work. The Trust plays a very vital role in helping the poor.